Skill would be a tradable “international currency” in today’s world. Large enterprises always have to find ways to win the “war” for talented talent.
It is one of the seven development trends of Vocational Education in the world today.
An effective TVET system is required to increase workforce participation in helping companies develop technologies innovation and increase the productivity of the economy.
Cisco and Optus/Alphawest have conducted studies on emerging global trends in TVET in order to share information with TVET institutes and practitioners. policy making, aiming to solve the contemporary challenges of vocational education.
The assessment of global trends is mainly based on overseas case studies and the latest research and policy thinking.
Here are 7 development trends of Vocational Education in the world:
The first trend: Students participate in vocational training at an earlier or later age
As demand for new skills and higher qualifications increases and populations in developed countries age, the need to retrain older workers will be higher . European countries have been particularly active in addressing this challenge through lifelong learning policies. The number of EU citizens aged 50 to 64 years in training has increased from 1% to 26% in EU countries between 2005-2009.
Also, due to professional requirements, some countries tend to have students join vocational training earlier.
Second trend: The world vocational training market tends to move abroad
Skilled people are increasingly moving between countries in response to changing needs. In 2010, an estimated 193 million migrant workers globally moved to different countries in search of work. Accordingly, the need for training, re-skilling and recognition of migrant workers will increase. Arguably, the rate of movement of people between countries for vocational training will also continue to increase in the context of globalization.
Third trend: “Keeping” students
The economic argument for retaining apprentices is irrefutable: Acquiring a new customer is significantly more expensive than maintaining one existing goods. VET institutions around the world are realizing that the economic cost of losing students midway is significant.
Fourth trend: Apprenticeship through many forms
The emergence of e-learning and blended learning is hardly a new trend. However, recent trends in blended learning and online learning tend to focus on two areas. Firstly, moving from replicating face-to-face pedagogy to developing new pedagogical methods. Second, towards mobile learning.
Fifth trend: Innovative solutions to reduce infrastructure investment
Uncertainty about revenue, pressure on costs and profits, and difficulties in forecasting future skills demand are forcing TVET institutions to think about the infrastructure requirements. Organizations are looking at innovative ways to reduce investment in new infrastructure through the use of new technology (such as simulators or online collaboration tools) to avoid investment costly. Cost-sharing models, cloud-based services that reduce administrative costs are widely adopted.
Sixth trend: Close cooperation between schools and businesses
The supplier-consumer model has emerged in the field of TVET. As competition becomes more intense, including new competitors from outside the VET sector, the industry demands new models of cooperation. These models focus on establishing deeper and broader collaborations to meet supply and demand.
7th trend: Skill is a kind of “international currency”
Skills are an international currency: They are a source of economic advantage and increasingly tradable in today’s world. Big businesses always have to find ways to win the “war for talent” – a term that was coined in the late 1980s and still holds true today.
It can be said that global trends pose both challenges and opportunities for vocational education institutions of each country around the world. Vocational training institutions will need to flexibly adapt, improve many aspects, both in management tools and training methods, and cooperate to bring new experiences in all aspects of the apprenticeship process. of students, students.